Does Measuring Food Really Matter?

When it comes to dialing in our nutrition, some actually overlook food measuring. They often think that their nutrition is balanced...
By Coach Anthony
Anthony Medina
August 5, 2021
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When it comes to dialing in our nutrition, some actually overlook food measuring. They often think that their nutrition is balanced because they workout, eat “healthy” (even though portions aren't accurate) Monday-Friday and only eat junk food over the weekend; yet they don’t see a difference. How important is food measuring and why? What’s the best method—eyeball or hand or scale?

When it comes to bettering your nutrition, measuring food is pretty crucial and shouldn’t be ignored. Studies have shown that people who measure their food are more successful to losing weight than those who don’t. Not only have I seen this, but I’ve experienced it for myself. Before Turnbull Nutrition, I rarely measured my food. If I did measure my meals, I’d eyeball. Let’s be real—unless you’re very good at eyeballing, then it’s not accurate. Once I learned about measuring, I then began noticing a difference with my body. When you measure, you’re feeding your body to what it exactly needs in order for it to do what you want-bulk up or lean out.  

As I previously mentioned, unless you’re very good with eyeballing (hate to break it to some, but not everyone is), then your portions aren’t accurate. Others have used measuring your food with your hand as a method. It’s a good start if you’re trying to change your habits, but I do recommend a scale and measuring cups more for accuracy. To get your exact portion, I highly recommend buying a digital food scale. The scale cannot only be utilized as a weight loss tool, but can also help with gaining mass. Learning portion sizes by weighting food will also make it easier to recognize right sized portions when eating in restaurants. 

Whether you want to gain or lose, measuring food is key. It’s paramount to ensure we’re getting all of the nutrients we need so our bodies can do what we expect it to. If you would like some more information on measuring food or would like to know what your personal portions are, please feel free to schedule your free No Snack Intro with one of our coaches. We’d be more than happy to get you started!


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