Meal Prep 101

Let’s get down to the basic essentials to have a continuous successful meal prep session. We wrote about the benefits of meal prep on...
By Coach Anthony
Anthony Medina
August 5, 2021
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Let’s get down to the basic essentials to have a continuous successful meal prep session. We wrote about the benefits of meal prep on Monday and how sleep affects your body and nutrition yesterday. Today is about creating an easy plan to meal prep and the basic tools needed. This plan will help you create more time during the week, never be without food choices, lower your frustration when cooking, and get or keep you healthy.

 The PLAN is key. 

  1. Keep your menu simple when you first start meal prepping. Don’t spend 3-5 hours in the kitchen, you won’t last long.
  2. Know your menu before you shop. Avoid over or under purchases and return trips to market
  3. Create a shopping list before you go to the store and know what stores you will be buying what at and choose a specific day to shop. I shop every Thursday mornings or early afternoon, Friday mornings, or Friday nights to avoid the weekend crowds. Never shop on Sunday (huge crowds and less inventory)
  4. Prep and cook on SEPARATE DAYS. Shopping takes time and so does cooking. You don’t want to spend 5+ hours doing both the same day.
  5. Store your food when properly cooled. Bacteria is the number 1 reason food spoils (slimy veggies) and improperly stored foods causes bacteria. I use a freezer to cool down my food before storing it in glass containers with covers.   

The Tools needed:

These are the same tools we give our nutrition clients for their success. Eating healthy and consistent can be a challenge but now you have a starting point. Now that you have the blueprint, go out and do it. If you feel you need more help and guidance, give us a call or pay us a visit.


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